Why a 3D Printed House?

Innovation in Architecture, Construction, Real Estate and Transportation

Why a 3D Printed House?

People’s Style of Building a House

design phaseIn the Design Phase
You make a sketch, then erase everything and start to build without a plan and blueprint. The result? Quite different than expected… usually a much bigger house than you need and costs are at least double!

big housesClassical Style
You build brick plus concrete heavy construction, a large house for the whole family… then children grow up and leave! You stick to heat cold walls, to clean large surfaces of dust, then wonder: what a stupid big house I have built!

Modern Style BuildingsModern Style
You make a house plan and want to build a modern and comfortable house, but building the house costs too much and your own budget is too low, so that, before completing the project, you are indebted to the banks for a lifetime!

Postmodern style of buildingPostmodern Style
The postmodern trend: almost everything is DIY and online now! You make your dream house plan(s) on your computer and… they remain there! No budget to hire a contractor, no way to make it on your own!

Imprint3D Style of buildingImprint3D Style
In order to launch your house project and take it out from the computer, we come with our robotic 3D printer and build your house in 24 hours! No more waste of time and materials, and you get an affordable postmodern house. 

Written by,
Teodor Miroslav Muntean
– Based on my own lifetime experience on construction sites!